Photos by : Joe Della-Porta, 7 Plt.

LDYPAO (Squadron) Coy, assembled to watch an Infantry

Advance Party on rest.

2Lt Stanton, Ptes Doug Hill & Ian Mills on guard at fuel dump.

2Lt Stanton on guard at fuel dump sanger.

A patrol resting prior to being sent out.

Gypsies from 9 Platoon.

L/Cpl Tebbutt ditches 4 tonner!

LCpls Varney, Mick Allen & Sgt Vinod Soni.

LDY airborne! WOII Kevin Dolan ushers.

Patrol waits for Engineers Amphibious Convoy to pass.

Pte Bradshaw tries to dig-in again!

Pte Steve Hall napping!

Relaxing in the sun.

ENDEX! Sgt Soni about to finish Sgt Smith! (Note the LDY Cravat
worn by Sgt Smith and Sgt Soni appears to wearing the LDYPAO Cap
Badge in his beret.)

Vehicle convoy, L/Cpl Tiny Large.