2nd Boer War
65th (2nd Leicestershire) Coy
(Squadron), 17th Battalion Imperial
SA (Biera), the 4th of May 1900
(Rhodesian Field Force), area of
Ops on the Rhodesian Border. Based at Marandellas, Unit split on
task change to work around Pietersburg and Mafeking.

Tpr. Sharrard Gilbert :- "Each man bore in his hat a
spray of the Lilly of the Valley - the emblem of Leicester -
presented to him by the Mayoress of the City. The badge worn by
the Squadron was brass numerals 6 and 5 on a blue and cerise
The 65th Company was the second unit of Imperial
Yeomanry raised in Leicestershire.
Initially commanded by Captain Walter A. Peake,
recruitment for the 65th Company began on Wednesday,
21 February 1900.
Unlike the 7th Battalion which was drawn primarily
from existing members Prince Albert’s Own Leicestershire
Yeomanry Cavalry, 65th Company was made up almost
entirely of new recruits with little or no military background.
The following article from the Thursday, March 1st
edition of the Leicester Mercury newspaper summarized the

65th Company, 17th Battalion
(2nd Leicester) Imperial Yeomanry
Formation of a Second
When the
first company of the Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry was formed
it was thought probable that a second detachment would be asked
for, but permission to raise it was not given until last week.
Immediately on receipt of the order from the War Office
advertisements were inserted in the Press and bills posted on
the various hoardings in Leicestershire and the surrounding
counties, with the satisfactory result that considerably over
one hundred men volunteered for service.
They were enrolled at the St. George’s Mission-room,
Peel-street, on Wednesday in last week and succeeding days, and
there are now one hundred men billeted in the town who have been
accepted for service subject to their satisfying the officers of
their ability to ride and shoot well.
The total number of men required is 116, and there will,
apparently, be little difficulty in raising the number. As in
the case of the first company, the men do not come from
Leicestershire only, the counties of Lincolnshire, Yorkshire,
Lancashire, Middlesex and Sussex having each contributed its
quota. The men
selected are all of good physique, and the company will not, it
is thought, be in any way inferior to that which has already
gone to the front.
All the men appear to ride well, many having a particularly good
seat. The shooting
tests will probably be carried out at the ranges at Trent.
They are drilled daily at the Magazine, and are already
getting into shape.
All the officers have not yet been selected, but Colonel Peake
(Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry) will be the captain in
command, while Captain R. B. Muir, of Melton Mowbray, and
Lieutenant F. A. Belville, Stoughton Grange, also of the
Leicester Yeomanry Cavalry, will also hold commissions in the
company. In addition
to this detachment, a number of men are being trained to make
good deficiencies in the company now in South Africa by illness
or other causes. The
War Office have ordered that ten percent of the number of men at
the front shall be kept in training and sent to join the company
at certain intervals, and there are therefore always about
twenty fully trained troopers in Leicester.
A detachment of twelve of these reserves are under orders
to proceed to South Africa at once, and they will probably
depart on Saturday.

Officers of the 65th (2nd Leicestershire
Yeomanry) Coy.
Lt. F A Belville, SSM. G Hobden, Lt. C Challinor
Lt. Sir F F Fowke, Cpt. W A Peake, Lt. R B Muir
The above newspaper article refers to the first group of 65th
Company who left Leicester for the war in April 1900.
Along with the other seven companies comprising the 17th
and 18th Battalions IY, they sailed on 6 April 1900
from Southampton, calling briefly on 12 April at Tenerife before
sailing directly on to Beira, Portuguese East Africa.
In all, there were 63 officers, 1019 men and 53 horses
that sailed aboard the transport ship Galeka.
17th and 18th Battalions were
landed at Beira on the 4th and 5th of May,
joining with other volunteer mounted troops from Australia and
New Zealand to form the Rhodesia Field Force under General Sir
Frederick Carrington KCB, KCMG.

A rare photo of the 65th Coy in Biera, South Africa.

Capt. Walter A Peake D.S.O.
65th Coy OC and Hon. Lt.Col of Prince Albert's Own
Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry.
born 22 March 1853. He was educated at Marlborough,
and Exeter College, Oxford, and served in the South African
War of 1899-1902, being mentioned in Despatches [London
Gazette, 10 September 1901]; received the Queen's Medal with
four clasps, and was created a Companion of the
Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 27 September
1901]: "Walter A Peake, Captain, 17th Battalion Imperial
Yeomanry. In recognition of services during the
operations in South Africa". He was invested by the
King 29 October 1901. He became Colonel,
Leicestershire Yeomanry. Colonel Peake married, in
1878, Grace, daughter of the Reverend G C Fenwicke, of
Stockerstone Hall, Uppingham, and they had one son and two
daughters. He died in 1914.

Lt R B Muir
Captain P.A.O Leics. Yeo. Cavalry.
Muir, Robert Bunten,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
[ Medals ] Queen's South Africa 1899-1902, 3 clasps,
Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Orange Free State (Capt. R. B. Muir,
17/Impl. Yeo.) good very fine E300-350 No. 65 (Leicester)
Company, 17th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry. Robert Bunten Muir
was born in Glasgow in July 1862 and was educated at Cheltenham
College. Appointed a 2nd Lieutenant in the Leicestershire
Yeomanry in January 1890, he was advanced to Captain on the eve
of the Boer War. He subsequently served in South Africa for 13
months in No. 65 (Leicester) Company, 17th Battalion, Imperial
Yeomanry, and was awarded the above described Medal and clasps
(accompanying verification refers). During the Great War Muir
attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the 2/1st
Leicestershire Yeomanry, was mentioned in despatches and awarded
the O B.E. (London Gazette 3 June 1919). For many years resident
at Kirby Hall, Melton Mowbray, he was a keen huntsman and a J.P.
He died in March 1937.

[ Medals ] Melton Mowbray Tribute Medal, Transvaal War in South
Africa 1900 - 1901, reverse inscription in raised letters (name,
rank and unit engraved), `Presented by the Town of Melton
Mowbray to R. B. Muir in recognition of his Patriotism & Valour
in serving in the Transvaal War as Captain in the 65th Com. Imp.
Yeo.', 38.5mm., silver unmounted, extremely fine E200-250 See
Colour Plate VI. Ref. Hibbard A16. The obverse is the same as
that used for the Winsford Medal (lot 1156). 65th
(Leicestershire) Imperial Yeomanry.
Lt. F A Belville
Lieut P.A.O Leics. Yeo. Cavalry
Lt FA Belville's SA medal with the "RHODESIA" clasp
sold on eBay in September 2018.
Lt. Sir. F F Fowke, Bart.
Lieut P.A.O Leics. Yeo. Cavalry
Lt. C E Challinor
Late Captain 1st VB Prince of Wale's North
Staffordshire Regiment

Lt. W H P Gill DCM
Tallest man in the British Army at 6ft 9 inches.
Originally came out with the 7th Coy as a Trooper, was
promoted to Sergeant in their ranks and then Commissioned.
He joined the 65th on March 21st 1901.
Gill, William Hutton P.,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
12047 Sgt. H.T. Munn
Promoted to Lieut. in the Field. Munn, Henry
Toke,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Barker, A.R.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Belville, F.A.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Blunt, F.W.,,Lieutenant,,17th Bn. I.Y.
Browne, J.,,Captain,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Coles, L.H.,,Lieutenant & Quartermaster,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
De Burgh, T.J.,,Lieutenant Colonel,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Hewlings, Henry H.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lintott, A.L.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Logan, E.R.,,Lieutenant,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Martin, J.E.,,Surgeon Captain,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Moulton-Barrett, Harry Peyton,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Philp, F.E.L.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Syer, Herbert Hingston,, Lieutenant & Temp. Captain,,17th Bn.
I.Y. Staff
Sqdn.Sergeant-Major G Hobden (1070) D.C. (10th Hussars)
Farrier-Sergeant H. Hill (12848)
Cpl. J. Doran (11986)
Promoted to Corporal by the Commander-in-Chief for his
action in getting the MO to the wounded at Middlewater on April
22 1901.
12703 Cpl. F. C. Wade
Cpl. W. Sopp (12010) DCM
Promoted in the field, to Corporal, by the Commander in

12144 Shoeing-Smith H Brazier QUEEN’S
SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Orange
Free State.
Was killed in action in the chase to De Wet, Feb 21st 1901.
Henry Brazier, born at Droitwich,
Worcestershire and enlisted in the Imperial Yeomanry in February
1900, aged 21 years. Killed in action near Driekoppen on 21
February 1901, an incident recalled by Sharrad H. Gilbert in
Rhodesia & After: ‘It was during the chase of De Wet that
Shoeing-Smith H. Brazier of the 65th met his death. For a time
the columns had lost touch with the flying Boers, and on 21
February were marching by Driekoppen, with their scouts feeling
in all directions for the enemy. Brazier, the outside left
flanker, rode to Elsie Vlaakte farm and suddenly found himself
in the midst of five of the enemy, who sprang from their
concealment not ten yards from the horse’s head, with pointed
rifles and a peremptory summons to “Hands up.” Brazier was
riding a favourite horse “Marmalade”, an animal of which he was
very proud. Indeed before starting on this, his last ride, he
had patted the neck of his steed saying, “I shan’t be captured
whilst I have you under me.” Trusting in the fleetness of his
horse, when suddenly confronted by the Boers, he sharply wheeled
round, and putting in his spurs, rode for his life. But the
attempt was a hopeless one with the distance so short. One of
the enemy put up his weapon and shot him through the heart
before his steed had taken half-a-dozen strides ... ’
The above photo of Brazier and his horse Marmalade
is from Gilbert's book and is attributed by Gilbert to have been
taken by H. Dunning (likely 12095 Trooper Henry Dunning, also of
65th Company). The photo caption in the book states
"Shoeing-Smith Brazier and 'Marmalade'" - Photo by H. Dunning.
Gustavus Henry Spencer FOWKE,
Venn's entry: "Adm. at
TRINITY HALL, 1899. [2nd] s. of Frederick Gustavus, Esq.,
deceased [Major], of Brighton [and latterly of Lowesby Hall,
Leics.]. B. Oct. 14, 1880. School, Uppingham. Matric. Michs.
1899. In the Leicester Imperial Yeomanry; served in the South
African War, 1900-1. (Survived). Brother of Lt. FF Fowke. Tpr
Fowke left the the 65th Squadron LIY took take a Commission with
the 71st Squadron of Sharpshooters stationed at Tuli in South
Africa 1901.
Tpr. E Knowles (12124)
Mentioned in despatches for special & meritorious
Adams, Stanley,11984, Lance Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Adkins, Walter James,12042, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Alderson, William,12061, Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Allen, James Richard George,12114, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th
Bn. I.Y.
Anderson, Leslie Bertram,12064, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ashford, Alfred Charles,24312, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Atkins, Dudley,11985, Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Backhouse, C.C.,22601, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Bailey, W.M.,26389, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Bailey, Tom,24313, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ballard, W.,29866, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Banner, T.H.,22602, Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Barber, Sydney,22600, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Barker, A.R.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Barton, John S.,24314, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Baxter, Drummond,12099, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Beasley, George Norman,29864, Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Beattie, John Andrew,11986, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Belville, F.A.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Bent, William,24315, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Bird, Alfred,12165, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Blackwell, F.O.,29862, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Blunt, F.W.,,Lieutenant,,17th Bn. I.Y.
Bond, William,20419, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Bosworth, Harry,12043, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Brazier, Henry,12144, Shoeing Smith,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

12071 Tpr J R Brooker
John Roper, 9 June 1900, died
in Umtali from
dysentery. 65th Squadron Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry.
Queen's South Africa 1899-1902, one clasp, Rhodesia.
Brooker, John Roper,12071, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Brown, Arthur,29867, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Browne, J.,,Captain,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Bryan, Richard,28063, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Budd, A.E.,29868, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Burgess, Harry,23618, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Burrows, H.,29865, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Camm, Joseph,12088, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Cartwright, Bernard R.,11987, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Queen's South Africa 1899-1902, four clasps, Cape Colony,
Rhodesia, Orange Free State, South Africa 1901 (11987 Tpr: B.
Cartwright. 65th Coy. 17th Impl: Yeo: ),
Cason, Harry,12058, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Chadwick, James,25818, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Challinor, C.E.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Chatterton, John,28064, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Cheadle, John Hollis,12009, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Checkland, Charles Edward,12160, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Cherry, Samuel,26393, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Chitham, George,28065, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Chorley, Henry,12164, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Clarke, Richard,29869, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Clarke, Arthur Bradley,12051, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Coates, J.,24316, Shoeing Smith,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Cockain, William Tempest,12037, Quartermaster Sgt.,65th Coy.,
17th Bn. I.Y.
Coles, L.H.,,Lieutenant & Quartermaster,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Cook, Charles W.,22603, Company Q.M. Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Cooper, George Frederick,12031, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Cooper, George,12093, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Queen''s South Africa 1899-1902, one clasp, Rhodesia (12093 Tpr:
G. Cooper. 65th Coy. 17th Impl: Yeo:),
Cox, Ernest George,12143, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Crane, W.,24317, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Crowther, F.,21357, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Cuttiford, Daniel,24318, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
David, William John,12049, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Davie, Charles,12015, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Davies, Thomas,26072, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Davies, Herbert,12101, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
De Burgh, T.J.,,Lieutenant Colonel,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Dew, Daniel,32020, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Diggle, George,12137, Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Dingley, Arthur,25819, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Doran, James,11988, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Dunning, Henry,12095, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Durrance, F.,22604, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Edge, John William,12024, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ellwood, George,11989, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Essex, W.,29872, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
12011 Tpr. Thomas Hatfield Evans
Served in the Leicestershire Yeomanry in South Africa 1899-1901,
Queens SA Medal with four clasps. Thomas went on to become a
Lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion AIF commanding a light machine
gun section in WW1 and was killed on the 26th of April 1915
carrying one of his wounded men to safety, he was mentioned in
despatches for conspicuous valour.
Evans, Thomas,12011, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fenning, Bert,24320, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ferguson, John,22605, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fielding, Richard,24942, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fielding, Ernest William,23624, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fielding, Clarence,11990, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Flint, G.,22607, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ford, Samuel,22606, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Forryan, Charles,12129, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fowke, Sir Frederick F.C.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Franks, L.,36197, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Fray, O.,24319, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Frisby, Albert,31676, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gardner, G.T.,28066, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gelsthorpe, Joseph,11992, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

Tpr. S H Gilbert
Sherrard Holland Gilbert lived in Hinckley in Leicestershire
and on his return from the Boer War he wrote the book "Rhodesia
and After".

Gilbert, Sharrad Holland,11991, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gill, William Hutton P.,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gittins, Albert,12069, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Godwin, J.,28067, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gore, Edward John,12022, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Grant, Arthur,12095, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Grant, A.,29038, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Gray, Alexander,11993, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Greaves, Tom,12139, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Green, Harvey J.,23625, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Green, George,24321, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Groocock, Alfred,11997, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hall, Oliver,25821, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hallam, W.,24327, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hammond, John,29874, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hampson, William Neale,28068, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hardwick, Henry,12012, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Harris, George,24322, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Harrison, William James,12123, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Harrison, C.A.,22608, Company Q.M. Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hawke, Edwin James,26394, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hayden, Charles,21474, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Haylock, Herbert William,11994, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hayman, H.,24937, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hayward, Alfred,11995, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hazell, Richard William,12087, Sgt. Trumpeter,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Heatherly, Thomas,29876, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Heuston, Frank,22609, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Heward, James Lockwood,11996, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hewerdine, Edward,24324, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hewlings, Henry H.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Higgs, Henry,32022, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hill, Herbert Harry,12048, Farrier Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hill, George,24323, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hillsden, William,12075, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hoare, Edward,12133, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hobbs, Richard Augustus,26069, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hobden, G.,1070, Squadron Sgt. Major,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hodgkins, John,12166, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hodgkinson, T.,28069, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hoff, W.,12053, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Holland, Ernest,25822, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hollis, Frank,28070, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hollowood, G.F.,29878, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Horsley, Joseph,12092, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Horton, A.,24326, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hughes, John James,24938, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hunt, T.M.,12117, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hunt, J.E.,24325, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hunt, George Edward,22610, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hurlbut, John Henry,25823, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hurst, Ernest William,29877, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Hurst, Edward,29875, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

11998 Tpr. James
65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
11998 Trooper James Ide
was born around 1877 in the vicinity of Desford and Newbold
Verdon. Previously employed as a Groom, James
joined 65th Company on 26-Feb-1900.
He arrived in Beira, Portuguese East Africa in early May
1900 with the rest of 17th and 18th
Battalions IY.James
was debilitated by malaria during the trip inland from Beira to
Umtali. Unable to recover, he was invalided
home on the hospital ship Kildonan Castle, arriving on
5-Oct-1900 in Portsmouth, whereupon he was transferred to the
military hospital at Netley. James was
discharged from the IY on medical grounds on 18-Dec-1900.
For his service in South Africa, James Ide received the
Queen’s South Africa medal with single clasp “Rhodesia”.
After the war James married. He
worked at the Ibstock colliery, then later as a Groom on an
estate in Hitchin, Herts. With the outbreak
of the Great War, James joined the Army Veterinary Corps as a
Horse keeper in early 1915, but was discharged shortly
thereafter as medically unfit. Undeterred,
James rejoined in late 1917, this time in the Royal Army Service
Corps, serving with Remount Squadrons in Luton.
He remained in the UK for the duration of the war,
finally being discharged in March of 1919. James
Ide died in early 1922 in Wandsworth, London, leaving his wife
and four children.
Idle, Roland,12046, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Inger, J.,32025, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Inger, H.W.,29879, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ions, George,28072, Quartermaster Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Jackson, Thomas William,26395, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Jackson, Joseph,21415, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Jackson, George Richmond,12063, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
James, David Howell,12090, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Jenkinson, George Edward,12020, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Johns, William,28073, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Johns, Philip,22611, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Johnson, John Henry,26396, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kellett, C.W.,25825, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kendall, A.,28074, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kernick, E.,29881, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kiddle, F.W.,22612, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kilby, John William,12080, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kirkby, Robert Hugh,12118, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kirkby, Arthur Reginald,12028, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Kitchen, George Alfred,12013, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Knapp, James William,25824, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Knight, George Austin,12000, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

12124 Tpr. E
Edward, 65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Landsey, Clifford John,12038, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Langton, W.J.,24329, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lapham, Robert Alexander,12034, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lee, Albert,28075, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Leno, Ralph,12033, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Leno, Edgar,31755, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tpr. Alec John
65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
[ Medals ] Three: Lieutenant A. J. Liddiard, Army Service
Corps, late (Leicestershire) Imperial Yeomanry Queen's South
Africa 1899-1902, 4 clasps, Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Orange Free
State, South Africa 1901 ( 12001 Tpr., 65th Coy. 17th Impl.
Yeo.); British War and Victory Medals (Lieut.), the first with
edge bruising, very fine or better (3 E250- 300 No. 65
(Leicester) Company, 17th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry. Alec
John Liddiard was born in Leicester and enlisted in the Imperial
Yeomanry in February 1900, aged 24 years. He subsequently served
in South Africa from April 1900 until May 1901, and qualified
for the above described Medal and clasps (service papers refer).
Liddiard, who was discharged on his return to the U.K. was
appointed a Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps (T.F.) in July
Light, Charles Henry,12032, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Linnell, Fred,12002, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lintott, A.L.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Livingstone, Samuel Bias,22613, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Logan, E.R.,,Lieutenant,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Longland, Bertrand,12027, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lount, William James,26397, Farrier Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Loxley, William Bateman,12056, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Loxley, Frank,12055, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Lucid, P.,29882, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

12039 Cpl. H H
Herbert Henry, 65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Marsh, C.,25828, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Marshall, George,32030, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Martin, Edward,29885, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Martin, J.E.,,Surgeon Captain,,17th Bn. I.Y. Staff
Marvin, Walter,12168, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Marvin, Thomas Edwin,32032, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Marvin, Edward,12003, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Mayo, William Thomas,12130, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
McKenzie, William,28078, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
McLeod, J.,28076, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Meadows, Alfred,25826, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Middleton, Frank,20454, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Miller, J.,22614, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Mills, John,12131, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Money, Herbert,12122, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Moore, George,12079, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Morgan, William Richard,12091, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Moulton-Barrett, Harry Peyton,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Moyses, Harry,12070, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Muir, Robert Bunten,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Mullis, Roland,25827, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Munn, Henry Toke,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Neal, James,24330, L/Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Neale, T.E.M.,29886, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Nickolls, Harry,12072, L/Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Norman, Henry,32034, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Norton, John Henry,12120, Shoeing Smith,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Nolan, Patrick,Trooper,65th Coy,17th Bn. I.Y.

[ Medals ] Melton Mowbray Tribute Medal, Transvaal War in South
Africa 1900 - 1901, reverse inscription in raised letters (name,
rank and unit engraved), 'Presented by the Town of Melton
Mowbray to Patrick Nolan in recognition of his Patriotism &
Valour in serving in the Transvaal War as Trooper in the 65th
Com. Imp. Yeo.', 38.5mm., silver, with fixed straight bar
suspension, slight edge bruising, good very fine E200-250 Ref.
Hibbard A16 (this medal illustrated). 65th ( Leicestershire)
Imperial Yeomanry.
Odams, George P.,12030, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Oliver, Thomas,29887, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Page, J.,26398, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Pagett, J.C.,29888, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Pallett, W.,29890, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Palmer, William,20463, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Pateman, R.,28080, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

Trooper F Payne (42157)
QSA (3 Clasps), faint "M" at the end of his name so could be
"PAYNEM" or "RAYNEM". Also served in WW1 as he has the 1914
Payne, Fred,28081, Troop Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Peach, Francis Burdett,12089, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Peake, Walter A.,,Captain,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Peasnell, Samuel,28083, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Perring, C.E.,12067, Squadron Q.M. Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Peters, Thomas Edward,22619, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Philp, F.E.L.,,Lieutenant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Picker, Charles Edward,24332, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Piggott, C.C.,12045, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Plumb, G.,22617, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Powell, Thomas,12127, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Prentice, Frederick,24331, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Prince, Albert,22616, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Proby, William,12076, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
[ Medals ] Four: Lieutenant W. C. Proby, Canadian Forces, late (
Leicestershire) Imperial Yeomanry Queen's South Africa
1899-1902, 2 clasps, Cape Colony, Rhodesia (12076 Tpr., 65th
Coy. 17th Impl. Yeo.) single initial 'W.'; King's South Africa
1901-02, 2 clasps, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 (12076
S. Sjt.-Maj., Imp. Yeo.); British War and Victory Medals
(Lieut.), the first two with contact marks and edge bruising,
and the second with tightened suspension claw about very fine,
the others rather better (4) E250-300 The 65th ( Leicestershire)
Company, 17th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry. Proby was appointed
a Lieutenant in the Royal North-West Mounted Police in June
Ragg, Fred,12162, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ratcliffe, Joseph,28082, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Raynor, Thomas R.,29892, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Reed, Walter William,12083, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Reed, Arthur Shaw,12041, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Reid, Herbert,12081, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Roberts, Arthur James,22620, QM Sgt.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Roper, Thomas,12016, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Royce, Matthias James,12029, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sadler, George,12068, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sarson, Fred G.,12062, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Saunders, Edward Noble,12142, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Scambler, Joseph Clifton,12052, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Scott, Albinas,25833, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Seare, Jesse Alexander,28086, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sewell, C.,29896, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Shaw, F.,20477, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Shepherd, Burton,12014, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Simpson, Reginald,20481, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sladen, A.E.,12097, Saddler,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sleath, Frank,12085, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smart, Ernest,26400, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, W.,23628, Shoeing Smith,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, Joe,28085, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, Henry,29894, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, George,23629, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, G.R.,22621, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, Charles,12004, Shoeing Smith,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, Alfred,24334, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, A.,29898, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Smith, A.,28084, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Sopp, W.,12040, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Spencer, Harry,25831, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Spindler, Reginald,12005, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Stafford, Albert,28088, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Start, Frank Percy,24333, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

12006 Tpr. C H
Charles Herbert, 65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Stokes, George Ernest,25832, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Stokes, Albert Sydney,23630, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Strang, Robert,28090, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
28087 Tpr. Albert STRETTON
was a member of the Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry 17th
Battalion No 65 Company.
He served in
South Africa from the 16th March 1901 to 28th July 1902.
Stretton, Albert,28087, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Strutt, William Henry,32440, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Swain, John Pratt,28089, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Syer, Herbert Hingston,, Lieutenant & Temp. Captain,,17th Bn.
I.Y. Staff
Sykes, Charles Arthur,12084, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Symonds, James,12094, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Taylor, Alexander,22622, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tidmarsh, William Guy,22342, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tilley, Robert,12082, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Timms, W.,12119, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tipping, George,24336, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Todd, Lawrence Harry,12161, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Townsend, Mathew,26403, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Turner, Richard Henry,12008, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Turner, John Thomas,24339, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Turner, Alfred,29899, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tyler, Harry,28091, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Tyler, George Leonard,29898, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Vaughan, William,26404, Troop Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Vickerstaff, P.C.,24341, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

26405 Tpr. W J Voakes, 65th
Coy (Leics) Imp Yeo.
4 Bars Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa
With a copy of service papers.
William James Voakes was born in
St Margaret’s Leicester, Leicestershire.
A 25 year old Warehouseman he joined the Leicestershire Yeomanry
15 Feb. 1901.
He served in South Africa from March 1901 to 10 October 1901.
Bars to QSA confirmed on his papers home address 11 East Short
Street, Leicester.
Voakes, William James,26405, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wade, Francis George,12073, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wadsworth, W.J.,25835, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Walker, Frederick Henry,12171, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Walters, Philip John,32048, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ward, Edmund James,12121, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Ward, C.,25836, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Waterfield, Ernest Alfred,21497, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Watson, Thomas,12059, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Watts, W.,32042, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Webster, Arthur,32046, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Weston, William,24342, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.

12135 L/Sergeant. H
Harry, 65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Whitaker, Fred Arthur,12136, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Whitbread, James,12050, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wilkinson, Thomas Harold,22624, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wilkinson, George Willoughby,25834, Tpr.,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Willan, Robert Henry,12007, L/Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Williams, Frederick,12035, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Williamson, James,12010, Corporal,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wilson, Andrew,26407, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Woollatt, Benjamin Vickers,24343, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn.
Wright, T.,28092, Trooper,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
Wright, Alfred,11983, Sergeant,65th Coy., 17th Bn. I.Y.
List of Casualties of
the 65th (Leicestershire) I.Y. |
12144 Shoeing-Smith H. Brazier |
Killed in Action |
Feb. 21, 1901 |
Elsie Vlaakte, near Dreikoppen |
12034 Tpr. R. A. Lapham |
Accid'ly wdd. |
June, 1901 |
Marandellas |
12047 Sgt. H.T. Munn |
wdd. |
July. 16, 1901 |
Mapondera's Kraal |
12049 Tpr. W. David |
Slightly wdd. |
July. 16, 1901 |
Mapondera's Kraal |
12069 Tpr. A. Gittins |
Slightly wdd. |
July. 16, 1901 |
Mapondera's Kraal |
12160 Tpr. A. Checkland |
Accid'ly wdd. |
Feb. 10, 1901 |
Houtkraal |
12703 Cpl. F. C. Wade |
Slightly wdd. |
Feb. 13, 1901 |
Wolvekuil |
12045 Tpr. C. Piggott |
Severely wdd. |
Feb. 15, 1901 |
near Houtkraal |
12123 Tpr. W. Harrison |
Slightly wdd. |
Feb. 15, 1901 |
near Houtkraal |
12053 Tpr. W. Hoff |
Severely wdd. |
Mar. 6, 1901 |
Aberdeen |
12024 Tpr. J. Edge |
Severely wdd. |
Apr. 22, 1901 |
Middlewater |
12142 Tpr. E.N. Saunders |
Wounded. |
Apr. 22, 1901 |
Middlewater |
12071 Tpr. J. Booker |
died (Dysentery) |
June. 9, 1900 |
Umtali |
12037 Q.M.Sgt W.T. Cockain |
died (Hepatitis) |
Dec. 17, 1900 |
Died in England |
12006 Tpr. C. Stevenson |
died (Enteric) |
July. 20 , 1901 |
Died in England |