Reference: Market Harborough Advertiser
Dated 25th May 1915
Letter from Sgt J Garner LY, to
his parents.
(extract of letter date 16th May 1915)
Just a line or two to let you know that I am alright at present,
but since last writing (perhaps you will have seen it in the
papers), we have been badly cut up in Ypres. We do not at
present know the correct list of casualties , but I expect it
will be at least 200 out of our Regiment. We were holding the
trenches at Ypres , and the Germans shelled out our reserve and
looked like capturing the Town, but our fellows made such a
gallant stand, and finally charged the Germans out of their
trenches, but it cost an awful lot of lives. Our Colonel -
Evans-Freke - was about the first to be killed, and besides him
four Majors - Ricardo, Martin, Levy - in fact nearly all the
officers were more or less wounded. I am pleased to say the
Harborough boys did not fare any too bad. Cain and Ray were
wounded - the latter rather serious, and I don't think he will
survive. A Smith has not turned up yet, but I have been told he
is alright. The rest of us are all muddled up now and don't know
what they will do with the remnant of our regiment, but anyhow
we shall not be likely to do any more fighting for a time. I
received the parcel and music safely. The parcel was very
acceptable, as we have been living on bully and biscuit for
three weeks. The weather here now is very nice, but it rained
fairly heavy Thursday and Friday. One big General said we had
made a name for ourselves - he said he "never saw soldiers fight
like it."