Reference: {Private Collection}
Dated 26th June 1917
Letter from an Officer of the 6th
Cavalry Brigade.
Dear Mrs Freke
I am writing direct to you about your
Nephew Lt P M Toulmin, Leicestershire Yeomanry, as I knew him
slightly and was acting Chaplain in the forward area to his
Regiment as well as to my own Brigade and I had also the sad
duty of taking the funeral at VILLERS-FAUCON CEMETERY to where
we brought him back and others who were killed that morning
about (June 22nd) 1:30 a.m. Others may have written and told you
or his Mother the details of how the Hun endeavoured to cut off
the party who were in the outpost line by arriving behind them
from 2 directions. But owing to the gallantry with which the
Leicester held the communication trench and their outpost held
the front -

The Hun raid failed - no supports could come up to help because
the Hun put a barrage up behind the outpost line and in front of
the Leicester supports - It may be some satisfaction to
you and his relations to know that your Nephew and 2 men lost
their lives in endeavouring to warm the outpost of the approach
of the Hun from the West and your Nephew was in front of the
line when the Hun raid started and was able to give warning.
All the gallant lives have been sacrificed for what they thought
right and it was their suffering on behalf of Duty carrying out
of which must be acceptable in the eye of the Him like ** given
** ****
Believe me
6th Cavalry Brigade