Reference: {Private Collection}
Dated 5th June 1915
Letter from Chaplain Pelling, 7th
Cav. Bde.
Dear Mrs Evans-Freke
I promised you that I would write
later and give you a few details of the movements of the
Leicestershire Yeomanry during these last few weeks. So having
half an hour I am going to try and carry out my promise. My
Brigade namely 1st, 2nd Life Guards and Leicestershire yeomanry
were called up from Billets on Sunday morning May 9th at 09:30
a.m. I was at the time conducting a service with the 2nd Life
Guards and had just reached the last hymn when the adjutant
appeared with orders from the Brigade - The Colonel gave me a
nod and we brought our little service to a speedy close -
Another half an hour and we were whisked away in tractor buses
up to within a couple of miles from the firing-line. On leaving
the Buses we went into wooden huts and afterwards into dug-outs
in the ground where we spent the best part of three days - on
the second day of our underground existence someone had it that
we were for the trenches on the same night. This however proved
to be incorrect but nevertheless the Commanding Officers were
informed by the G.O.C that the Brigade would take over the
trenches on the following evening. We spent the next day making
all preparations for going up at nightfall. Respirators,
ammunition and all other necessaries being handed out to the
various units.
Evening drew in and we took a scrappy
meal of tea and odds an ends, it so happened that I had been
with the Leicestershire Yeomanry most of the afternoon and was
having tea with Major Martin and his Squadron - there were also
present Captain Codrington, Lieut. Thompson, Lieut. Peake,
Lieut. Turner and Lieut. Simpkin, while not very long afterwards
Colonel Evans-Freke came along with a copy of Divisional orders
and general information, and stayed chatting with us for some
little time. His conversation was chiefly about the final
preparations for going up to the trenches the same night. Seeing
as was his want that no stone was unturned and that the interest
of each individual officer and man of his regiment was provided
for fully.
There he stood, for he was much to
busy to stay more than a few minutes and he chatted away so
brightly and full of confidence that his very presence was a
source of inspiration to us all.
Then the order came to start for the
march to the trenches. With the exception of two or three
casualties incurred in taking over the trenches all went well
until the following morning May 13th (Ascension day) when at
04:30 a.m. the Germans opened with a murderous shell-fire of
high explosives completely cutting our lines of communications
with our own guns and pasting our trenches up and down with a
well directed fire. there was nothing for it but to sit and take
it till about 09:00 a.m. when the first lull came and the losses
could be very **** realised. Amongst the first to fall was Major
Ricardo. On hearing the news the Colonel went along to ascertain
the nature of the case and on the way was shot in the finger by
a sniper. ******* did his regimental ***** warn him to keep down
and take cover. His thoughts were for his Second-In-Command and
his one ambition to go and give him a word of cheer with never a
thought for himself or his own safety. before the Colonel had
reached his objective he was shot through the breast and died
instantaneously with an expression of satisfaction and peace
upon his face. His body was pulled into the nearest trench and
there was left until recovered at night. Many were the brave
heroes who persisted in Dug-Outs and trenches from the murderous
shells, while the picture of major Martin holding with a handful
of men the broken line against the ferocious onslaught of the
enemy will not quickly be erased from the annals of the
Leicestershire yeomanry. For it was he who was last seen piling
up the sacks of sand resisting against untold numbers the German
advance till he had spent his last drop of blood, rather than
give way or yield an inch of ground.
It is difficult or perhaps **** just
to single out one brave man from another for they were all brave
- heroes all. They have died that we may live and yet "who dies
if England lives"? They have now immortal fame as *** of the
Empire and the **** of life as Children of the Heavenly Father.
When the order came to fix bayonets
and charge. What was left of our little band sprang from the
trenches like lightning and swept around against the enemy who
were using their machine guns with great effect - a slight check
- another onward dash and the *** were in retreat.
The German trenches were our, won by
the British cavalry, fighting man for man as infantry.
And the cost? Well it was dearly won
but nothing worth gaining is won without a big price in this
dreadful campaign. It was dear because our heroes held their
lives to cheap if only their great aim and object could be
achieved - and it was achieved, and Leicestershire may be justly
proud today of her heroes whose bodies rest beneath an alien
Their bodies rest - yes but their
spirit Cries to the youth of Leicestershire who has not yet come
forward to " Come over and help us ". Is it nothing to all ye
who pass by?
These heroes though unknown
personally to the majority of young men are *** the *** their
friends in the deepest sense of the word share *** themselves as
such for "greater love hath no man this that they lay down his
life for his friends".
I must not conclude without
giving you some account of the way in which we laid the Colonel
to rest after his well fought fight.
It was shortly after 07:00 a.m. when
I sent out with pick and shovel for a corner of a field not very
far away. Where were **** off some fifty or sixty graves - one
of many wayside cemeteries which often meet the eye of the
passer-by. here in the silence only broken by a distant gun. I
started to carve out a little *** *** in this peaceful acre. 7
to 8, 8-9, 9- 9:30 and the work was finished. There only
remained to add the few brief touches of sympathy and sentiment
which make the *** ***, the picking of butter cups and the
lining of the sides and the floor of the little grave with
yellow flowers.
Sentiment, yes, but it meant more
than that to those of us who knew him.
Presently the little band of Yeomen
came slowly down the road carrying their dead Chief upon their
shoulders till a halt was called by the graveside. Suddenly the
order rang out from one of the remaining Subalterns now in
Command of the Regiment "Slope Arms" and in a flash the men
sprang to attention as they saluted their fallen leader. Another
moment their late Commanding Officer was exposed to their view.
There he lay, calm and resolute with the semblance of a smile
still lingering upon his face- the smile which spoke of the
great indestructible peace which overwhelmed his spirit at all
times and under all conditions.
The service commenced with the little
party of officers and men around the grave and from the
beginning to the end the great keynote surrounded the triumphant
**** of the life eternal.
Scare was there one of these
stout-hearted Yeoman whose eye was not moistened by a tear for
the one whom they had loved and lost a while - the service over
the men marched round the grave taking a last glance and
saluting for the last time their late Colonel whose very
expression spoke of triumph over death.
So passed a gallant British Officer.
one who feared man so little because he feared his God so much.
We turned away thanking God for such a
noble example, steadfast and true within life and death and we
uttered a simple prayer from our hearts that we to might be
given grace so to follow his good example that with him we might
be made partakers in the Heavenly Kingdom
May God the Holy Spirit comfort you strengthen you and give you
courage, is the earnest prayer of...
Yours very sincereley
Stewart B Pelling CF
7th Cavalry Brigade