Reference: {Private Collection}
Dated 19th August 1925
Letter from Mrs Mary Ellwood,
Cottesmore Rectory, Oakham.
My Dear Mrs Freke
I thought it would interest you to
know that a short time ago I saw and spoke to a young man named
"Jack Phipps", who served under Colonel Freke in the
Leicestershire Yeomanry in the war, and this young man was
almost the last person who spoke to Col Freke. The young mans
wife is the niece of my cook, who told me that Phipps had seen
that awful time with the Leicestershire Yeomanry, and I said I
should like to see him and talk to him, so he came to see me
- and when I mentioned Col. Freke, he said:
" Oh yes, I was under him, and he was one of the finest men that
ever lived - ****, but a very good
soldier, and all his men adored him"
Phipps told me he and about a dozen others were in a trench, and
Col. Freke wanted to send a message across for some more men to
come to relieve them, and Phipps and one or two other
volunteered to take the message, but Col. Freke said he would
take it himself, and he started, but had not gone 20 yards
before Phipps saw him fall - He said he was so brave, and so
splendid and preferred to go himself rather than send his men
into danger. Phipps told me there was a little terrier following
him, and afterwards when they were able to go to him, they found
the little dog licking his face - Phipps said he thought there
were hardly any of the men who were in the trench with him left,
but he himself was fortunate in escaping - he said it was a
terrible time, and there was heavy fire all 'round them, so that
it was some time before they could get to Col. Freke after he
fell - Phipps was a very nice young man, and he spoke so warmly
of Col. Freke and of his goodness and bravery - and I thought
perhaps you might like to hear this - I often think that our
dear ones whom we lost in the war are really better off and
happier - and sometimes they do seem to hear us. I feel that to
often with my dear boy who was killed, and I am sure you feel it
too -
Believe me
Yours very sincereley
Mary Ellwood