Reference: WO95/1142
7th Cav Bde,
3rd Cav Div: 13th May 1915
Report by Leicestershire Yeomanry
(Lt. W.S. Fielding-Johnson) on Trench Line.

The line of trenches taken over by us and occupied by two
squadrons run in N.W. Direction from Ypres - Zonnebeke railway,
extending about 250 - 300 yards.
The trenches wanted repair, but there were no sand bags to hand. The bad
state was too great to measure due to previous occupants having
made "Funk-Holes", in consequence of which earth had fallen in.
They were also in sanitary, and in many places up to 8 inches of
Trenches were about 3 ft 6 inches deep with a parapet
well away of loose soil of an additional height of from 18
inches to 2 ft. In some cases from the top of front parapet
there was a width of 5 to 6 feet, the trench itself being about
2 1/2 feet wide.
The trench was regularly traversed, with a front of 12 feet and
a traverse of 6 feet.
Our right rested on the railway but there was no communication
to the 3rd Dragoon Guards who continued the line on the other
side. Five sandbags lay on the line as though it had been
intended to make the trenches continuous.
The line was continuous until it reached our left when there was
a gap of about 20 yards between our left and the right flank of
the Life Guards. here we discovered that the extreme flank of
the Life Guards was set back with a result that some of their
men fired over our heads before the discovery was made.
There were partially constructed support trenches which appeared
to have been heavily shelled.
As pointed out above there was no communication or trench across
the railway on our right or to the Life Guards on our left.
There was no communication trenches, with the support, although
communication round traverses was complete.
There was wire in front but this was said to have been broken by
shell fire previously.
Improvement was certainly urgently required.
The support trenches were not completed when bombardment
started, although trench party had worked all night.
Field of fire was bad owing to growing crops in front of