Reference: WO95/1142
7th Cav Bde,
3rd Cav Div: 12th May 1915
Report by the Officer Commanding,
Leicestershire Yeomanry, on Trench Line.
Lt. Col. The Hon. P C Evans-Freke

We have occupied the trenches as held by
the Royal Fusiliers from the Railway Crossing on the right flank
to point near farm which is destroyed. I have two squadrons in
front trench and both machine guns.
The Support trench, held by remaining squadron, is too much on
left flank and too far in rear, but any new trench within
reasonable distance of front line will be very much exposed to
shell fire.
The front trench is exposed to enfilade fire since the enemy
occupied high ground to S.E., and in consequence I require all
the sandbags I can get to improve cover.
I have located the "Point d'Appuis" which I
will occupy as soon I can get the water out. It is close to the
support trenches.
Reference communication with flanks, left
flank is not in communication with trench on our left. I have
ordered the squadron on that flank to get in touch and cut
communication trench. I got touch with troops on my right over
the railway, they had not been relived by the Cavalry, but the
North Somerset Yeomanry have passed here some time ago to take
these trenches over.
Communication trenches to the support from
the firing line will be large work to undertake owing to
distance but am starting the work. Since leaving the trenches my
telephone has ceased to work, so report by orderly.
I am still in old RHQ on the road as
all the telephones are installed there, including new battery 75
I have not time to change all the
lines to-night, but hope to move my HQ to dug-outs just in front
of support trenches to-morrow.
Echelon "A" has not arrived yet. RE
Officer spared me some sandbags but I want still more. I have
taken over 8 boxes of S.A.Ammunition besides 2,000 loose in
webbing bandoliers from the Royal fusiliers, these I am placing
in the trenches.