Regimental further reading |
the Story of the 17th and 18th Battalions of I.Y.

Sharrad H.
The 17th and 18th Battalions IY were
formed from the 50th Company, a Hampshire contingent; the 60th
and 61st, both raised in Belfast and known as the Irish
Yeomanry; the 65th, a Leicestershire contingent, and the 67th,
70th, 71st and 75th, all of which were raised and equipped by
the Earl of Dunraven and known collectively as Dunraven’s
Scarlet and Khaki

Author: T. B.
Published in the UK by Jonathan Cape in 1930. 226 pp., with 12
illustrations/drawings by G. D. Armour. Marson had an
exceptional (and dangerous) military career. He first served in
1899 in the Leicester Yeomanry in the South African (Boer) War
with the 7th (1st Leics. Yeo.) Coy, 4th Battalion I.Y.,
returned to England and took up fox-hunting by horseback. After
the Great War started, he joined the army again, trained in
Egypt, and fought at Gallipoli, where he lost a leg. He was
then seconded to the Royal Flying Corps, where he served as
squadron adjutant for 56 Squadron. Not a flyer himself, he
observed and admired the many airmen with whom he was
associated, and gives detailed accounts of several men in the
squadron, Albert Ball and James McCudden, among others. The
book concludes with excerpts from the squadron's log about
missions and aerial combats.
153rd Leicestershire Yeomanry Field Regiment R.A. T.A.
W.Pickering & Sons, Hinckley, 1947

130 Battery
June 1944 - May 1945

is an Honour
The Story of 154
(Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, RA. E. Backus,
Leicester, 1948.
The Story of the British Volunteer

Author: Glenn A. Steppler
ISBN: 0 7509 0057 1
Modern Leicester

by Robert Read, 1881
Modern Leicester: Jottings of personal
experience with an original history of Corporation undertakings
and of each regular, militia, yeomanry and rifle regiment
localised at the new military centre, by Robert Read Junior,
published by [London] Simpkin Marshall &Co, and [Leicester]
Winks and Co, 1881. 296 pages +72 pages of ads, 24 b/w plates.
The Bulletin of the
Military Historical Society
February 2001 : Volume 51 : No. 2003-4, 206 and 209 (Four part
"The Stalwart Rural Cavalry"
by DJ Knight & RJ Smith
Military Historical Society
Special Number
"The Mess Dress of the Yeomanry Cavalry - 1880-1914"
by DJ Knight & RJ Smith