Shoulder Titles

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars) R.A.C, (attached) 9th
Armoured Brigade, TA.
Officers, gilding-metal, c1952-57.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars) R.A.C, (attached) 9th
Armoured Brigade, TA.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, c1952-57.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars) R.A.C, 9th Armoured
Brigade, TA.
White wool lettering on black barathea c1947-52.
(Northants. Yeo. shown until Leics. Yeo. example is found). This
title has been seen, allegedly, on a battle dress that
belonged to an "A" Squadron CO of the period.

The above photo, taken in June 1951, clearly shows the shoulder
title in use on the SNCO's. However, in the same photo, it does
show some Sergeants wearing the older screen printed red on blue
(RA) shoulder titles (as seen below).

Sgt. "Archie" Onions wearing the screen printed red on blue ST
(as seen below) in 1951.

153rd (LYPAO) FR, RA. Guards Armoured Division, North West
Red screen printed lettering on blue cloth, c1940-47 (Later

153rd (LYPAO) FR, RA. Guards Armoured Division, North West
Red wool lettering on a blue barathea, c1940-47 (Early Type).

154th (LYPAO) FR, RA. 8th Army, North Africa.
Red wool lettering on a light blue barathea, c1940-47.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Field Regiment RA, TA.
Other Ranks Khaki slip-on title with black worsted lettering,
Pattern card held at IWM
Catalogue number: INS 2413
Production date: 1939
Materials badge: serge
FULL NAME: badge, sample pattern, Leicestershire Yeomanry
SIMPLE NAME: badge, formation: British
Category: uniforms and insignia
Card reverse: Blank
Card front: Badge, card, seal badge: Leicestershire embroidered
in black semi-circular design on khaki background with the
letter Y embroidered in the centre of the semi circle; the whole
designed to slip on to shoulder strap.
Card: Headed CB 1488 Royal
Army Clothing Department Pattern No. 11139 Sample; handwritten
inscription, Titles TA Embroidered:- For Battle Dress Yeomanry
Leicestershire; approved by AB Arding 22-10-39; authority given
as MGO9C/1725/39.
Seal: the shield of the Arms of the Board of
Ordnance encircled Chief Inspector.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, TA.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, shanked, c1930s.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, TA.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, "Back Plate" Type, c1930s.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, TA.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, shanked, c1920-30s.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, TA.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, x2 loops, c1920s.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, Territorial.
Other Ranks, c1902-4 brass letters "L" & "Y", c1920.

White on khaki "LEICESTERSHIRE" (or "LEICESTER"), seen
worn by some members of B Squadron in September
1917. It could be that Regimental stores acquired some Leicester
Regiment (Inf) slip on titles?

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, Territorial.
Other Ranks, cloth slip on.
Approved 29/9/1916 ACD/Patterns/3334 & 3049 and obsolete
on 7/10/1919.
Pattern Card held at the IWM:-
Catalogue number: INS 1157
Production date: 1916
Materials Badge: Melton
Alternative Names:
FULL NAME: badge, standard pattern, Leicestershire Yeomanry
SIMPLE NAME: Badge, formation: British
Category: Uniforms and insignia
Card Reverse: Stamped Locker (442 deleted) 29; reverse
inscribed Item 1428.
Card Front: Badge, card, seal badge: Leicester
embroidered in white semi circular design on khaki background
with the letter Y placed in the centre of the semi circle; the
whole designed to slip on to shoulder strap.
Card: stamped Specn.
A.C.D 819a Diagram No. 2 Standard No. 9165 1916 Title worsted
embroidered Service dress Cloth drab melton (thick deleted) No.2
Leicestershire Yeomanry; approved by AM Barton Col CIO for ADDC
29/9/16; authority given as ACD/Patterns/3334 & 3049; over
stamped Obsolete 7-10-19 ACD/35693.
Seal: the Royal Arms
encircled War Department Pattern.
Attached Embroidered: Y LEICESTER

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, Territorial.
Other Ranks, brass lettering "LYC" with a "ladder"
backing, 1916-20 on the change of cap badge.

Leicestershire PAO Yeomanry (Hussars), Cavalry, Territorial.
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, x3 loops with backing plate and two
split pins, 1908-16.
* Collectors note: the T/Y/LEICESTER shoulder title is
I believe this to be so because the title was withdrawn from use
in 1916 and replaced by the L/Y/C title shown above.

This shoulder title is often attributed to the Leicestershire
Imperial Yeomanry, but there is some doubt about this now in
light of the fact that the Lincolnshire Imperial
Yeomanry also wore "LIY" as their shoulder title.
All period photo evidence shows the Leics Imp Yeo wearing the
separate shoulder title letters below and not the "joined" title.

This shoulder title is often attributed to the Leicestershire
Imperial Yeomanry, in fact its the Lanarkshire Imperial
Yeomanry. The Lanarkshire wore "LIY" as their shoulder title
with the gap in the top of the "Y".
All period photo evidence shows the Leics Imp Yeo wearing the
separate shoulder title letters below and not the "joined" title.

Prince Albert's Own Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry (Hussars).
Other Ranks, gilding-metal, x2 loops per letter & "Ladder" back
plate, c1902-08.