Message & Signal
To: 3rd Cav Div
Senders Number: CH39
Time: 8:00 pm, 13th May 1915
From: 6th Cav Bde
The Germans now appear to be working round against my left flank
AAA The Blues are back on the N of the railway
in line with my supports AAA What arrangements
will be made for covering my left flank AAA The
Blues count of about 60 men AAA The second
(line) of (def) I am at present employing to assist in
protecting my left and this will leave me with no reserve of any
sort AAA in addition I am doubtful if I have
sufficient men for properly holding the advanced trenches but
this I cannot tell till I have ****** detailed list of
casualties and any determined attack on my left could not be
held up by the troops at my disposal.
