Message & Signal
To: 3rd Cav Div
Senders Number: CH37
Time: 4:15 pm, 13th May 1915
From: 6th Cav Bde
Lord Alarkin Innes Ken reports that the Blues advanced some
distance and were then held up by machine gun fire and that Lord
Tweedmouth ordered the Regiment to retire AAA I
have sent word to Lord Tweedmouth that he must hold on ***** as
advanced position as possible AAA I believe my
trenches are still intact but have had to send up two platoons
of Irish Fusiliers to re-enforce the firing line owing to
casualties AAA O/C Irish Fusiliers has sent
another2 Platoons to my HQ to be at my disposal AAA
My casualties as far a *** *** *** have been very heavy
AAA In writing the attached wire in from RHGds reports
that small parties are still holding on about Farm in I.5.d.8.9
and open ridge to S of it but unable to move AAA
This appears in regards farm to confirm a previous vague report
from wounded men that some of the Blues had got reached the farm
and forced them back AAA I have had to send up
two more Platoons RIF to reinforce my right and have asked for
another Company to come to me AAA
