Message & Signal
To: 8th Cav Bde
Senders Number: CH33
Time: 11 am, 13th May 1915
From: 6th Cav Bde
Following message despatched to you at 8:15 am has not got
through AAA My Brigade is holding original line
AAA Leicesters have vacated their trenches
AAA Can this line be retaken AAA
I have now heavy casualties AAA The attack has
been repulsed along this line for the present AAA
Communications very difficult AAA I want
reinforcements AAA **** one squadron of
Leicesters on my left in line with my support near level
crossing AAA O/C ****** has ** ** touch with
anybody AAA Enemy advance by dribble
AAA Unless my left is secured ***** will be
untenable and my retirement can be made as incurring very heavy
