Message & Signal
To: 6th Cav Bde
Senders Number: G.66
Time: 6:35 pm, 13th May 1915
From: 3rd Cav Div
Dear Generals
General Briggs wishes me to say in reply to your note that he
thoroughly realizes your situation and has strongly represented
it both to Cavalry and our Headquarters. His present orders are
to hold on at all costs. He is sending some shattered remains of
the 7th Brigade to try and protect your left and to dig a fresh
line connecting your present dug out with the
POTIJZE-VERLONERHOEK ROAD. Both other Brigades have had terrible
losses. Will you please let me know as soon as you can where you
would like your supplies sent and also any way in which we can
help. Wishing you the best of luck and enemy capitulation on
your splendid fight.
(received by 6th Cav Bde at 8:05 pm)
