Message & Signal
To: 6th Cav Bde
Senders Number: G.54.M
Time: 11 am, 13th May 1915
From: 3rd Cav Div
I am anxious to be informed more fully as to your
situation AAA
Where are your regiments and what line are they holding
are you in touch with left of the 80th Infantry Brigade
R.H.G are now being sent to gain trench with you and to
reconnoitre with a view to counter attack on your left flank
Until this attack is ordered they will be under your
command for purpose of protecting your left and connecting up
with G.H.Q line AAA
Unless otherwise ordered R.H.G and 10th Hussars now
about C.29.R will counter attack at 2:30 pm to regain lost
trenches AAA
You will co-operate with this attack if you have lost
any trenches AAA
(received by 6th Cav Bde at 12:54 pm)
