The Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry, RA, TA.
(1967-71) Formed 2 April 1967
as TAVR III unit. RHQ at Prestatyn, 'P' (Flntshire) Battery at
Hollywell and 'Q' (Denbighshire and Caernarvonshire) Battery at
Colwyn Bay formed from 372 (Flintshire and Denbighshire
Yeomanry) Field Regiment RA (TA). 1 April 1969:
Reduced to cadre The Flintshire and Denbighshire Yeomanry RA at
Prestatyn, under 119 Recovery Company REME (V); some RHQ
personnel absorbed into platoon at Prestatyn of 'A' Company
Welsh Volunteers and 119 Recovery Company REME (V); part 'Q'
Battery formed platoon 'A' Company Welsh Volunteers at Colwyn
Additional* :- On the desbandment of the TA in 1967
and the formation of TAVR it was realised there was no Gunner
representation in North Wales. The composition of the 103rd
Light Air defence Regiment had already been decided and was to
be located in South Lancashire (Merseyside, Greater Manchester
and Cheshire follwing Local Government reorganisation in 1974).
It was decided to form a Gunner Troop in Prestatyn as B Troop,
208 Battery of 103 Regiment. The remainder of the Regiment
formed The Flintshire & Denbighshire Yeomanry RA (T), an AVR III
Regiment. When this Regiment was reduced down to Cadre in 1969
it became evident that promotion and interchange of personnel
with any other TA unit was impossible. However, three Officers
did eventually move nearer to 103 Regiment and continued to
serve successfully, one becoming a Battery Commander and the
other the Commanding Officer. The logistic problems added to the
difficulties and the Troop was disbanded in 1969 and reformed in
the TA Centre in Edge Lane, Liverpool, the Previous home of The
West Lancashire Territorials and their predecessors the 359
Medium Regiment. In 1972 B Troop, then sharing the TA Centre
with a Signal Squadron, moved to Aigburth Road where 208 Battery
was located. *[ Colonel Frank Masters CBE TD DL, Hon Col,
Lancashire Artillery Volunteers RA (V) ]
& 372nd (Flint & Denbigh Yeo) Field
Regiment, RA. [1956-67] |

An AA Cap badge was approved and made for
"The Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry, RA, TA"
(1967-71) but, from photo evidence, does not appear to have
been used. The badge was produced by J R Gaunt. |

Car Badge Made by J.R.Gaunt London

Colonel R T M Williams OBE MC TD
(Cadre 1968-71) The Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry, RA
(Territorials) Prince of Wales's visit to Flint in 1969. |

Blues Dress (showing the NCO Arm Badge),
Service Dress and DHY Ceremonial Dress. 1969 |

Vehicle TAC signs for the Battery. |

The three Regiments that made up the 372nd
Battery. Prince of Wales's visit to Flint in 1969. RWF,
AGRA and the Denbigh Hussars, three of each former Regiments
that make up the The Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry, RA
(Territorials). The Staff Sgt and Gunner representing the whole.
Two Regular P/Staff on the right. |

The Flintshire, and Denbighshire Yeomanry,
RA (Territorials) 1967
Parade, with the Band of the 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's
Dragoon Guards). |

Insignia worn by 372nd (Flint &
Denbighshire Yeo) Field Regiment, RA. [1956-67] |

1967 Parade, 372nd (Flint & Denbighshire
Yeo) Regiment, RA, freedom (of the Town) scroll holder in
silver. * The Silver Scroll Holder is now in the 3 RWF's
silver collection. |

The Battery 25 pounder guns being towed at
the head of the parade. |

TA Centre Flint Castle Q Bty, 372
(Flint & Denbigh Yeo) previously HQ 5 RWF. |